Crossing The Bridge

There is no pathway to happiness. There is no timeline for happiness. There is no person or position or possession that will guarantee happiness in your life.

Happiness is a way of being, a way of thinking, a way of seeing, a way of connecting, a way of feeling.

It is the truth and the beauty of crossing the bridge of consciousness. It is finding yourself in the forest of the universe and realizing that you are one tree and every tree.

Awaiting My Sailboat ~ Remembering Full Moons Past


The Full Moon in Cancer appeared this week and it felt largely like a stronger conviction to my feminine power and its purpose to nurture, secure, heal in this lifetime. But, perhaps, with Venus Retrograde directly on my ascendant it felt like a quiet energy, a soft reminder.

Then I awoke this morning and remembered that this week is quite significant for me. For it was 5 years ago that I consciously chose to start my search for personal freedom and true fulfillment. Yeah, kind of a big deal.

Much like this week, there was a beautiful full moon in my sun sign. It fell on January 11, 2009 at 22 degrees of Cancer, embracing the sabian symbol of a young woman awaiting a sailboat. During that time, I had many vivid dreams about an ex and I would often wake up craving the amazing connection we had and continue daydreaming about the wonderful life we could have together.

There was a day, several days after the full moon, when I just decided, very out of nowhere, that I was going to stop waiting for my happily ever after and go get it. That was also the day that I decided to become a single mother and change my life forever.

I was greatly inspired that day by a book shared with me the previous summer by a colleague. The book is called The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer and here is an excerpt from her poem:

I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

That day I chose to say, “Yes.” Despite my past failures, despite who I would disappoint, despite the future challenges, despite my deepest fears, I said, “Yes.” to life.

Today I am reminded that my fantasies are some of the most beautiful parts of my mind. And I should never stop dreaming. I should never stop believing. The most miraculous things happen when we decide to listen to our soul and speak our truth. The most miraculous things happen when we stop waiting for our ship to arrive and we dive into the water and go swimming for it.

Happy Full Moon. Love and light xoxo

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn ~ December 21, 2013 – January 31, 2014


Yes, I miss you, but those words cannot be redeemed for a one-way, non-stop ticket back into my life.

Actions speak louder than words. My love is free, but there is a fare to pay to get back on board. Show me honesty and commitment. I can’t guarantee a smooth ride, but hold on and do what it takes to get to your desired destination: my heart.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Venus turned retrograde in the sign of Capricorn this past Saturday. And amazingly, that very night, love came back to visit.

In Capricorn, love is taken more seriously. The value of love is found through work and dedication. And as a little Libra rising, I have found myself working in my own way, through reflection and meditation. Since Venus entered the shadow phase in late November, my mind and my body have asked me for moments of stillness and introspection. I haven’t wanted to speak or to write very much. I just want quiet so I can hear the message of my heart: “My dear, you have seen your true worth. Now only let others in if they are able to see it, too.”


Venus entered Capricorn in early November and thoughts of my first home and my grandparents have been on my mind. I’ve thought about their imperfect devotion to each other, carried by true love and commitment. I’ve dreamt about forever love and I’ve wondered when it will arrive in my heart.

The truth is that we can’t promise more than forever right here in the moment. Our life path is uncertain and our love path even more so. But still, I long for that kind of devotion.

I want to receive love completely or, it’s as if, I don’t want it at all. I will wait for the real thing to come.

But then a glimpse of love returns and I want to take a chance, believing that this time it will be true. My heart has grown wiser since you last saw it, though. My heart has learned to speak up.

I am asking for you to rise higher, to inspire for a greater love. I am asking a lot, but there is so much to receive. I am hard on you, but I will never leave you alone in this journey. I will always be there, with my hand extended, to walk this path with you. I will expect that you do the same for me as I reach within myself for a light to guide our way.

True love is risk a worth taking. Love is a labor of life which bears the fruit of our own special message of truth, which reveals our purpose. We should aspire to receive unconditional love, not for completion of self, but for the giving of ourselves.

Love and light to you.

In the Eyes of Others ~ Mars in Libra

“My path is reflected in the eyes of others…if I want to find myself, I need that map.” Paulo Coehlo – Aleph
Having my ascendant and natal Mars in the 1st house of Libra, I tend to look for myself in others and believe that the full development of my personality will be through another.
It’s true. There is an undeniable reliance on others to teach us, love us, hurt us, provoke us, inspire us…so that we may get closer to the source of who we are.
We need that map, but let’s read it for what it is: a reflection of the universal soul. Everything we see in others and in the world can be found within us. To find ourselves, we must choose reflections that inspire our highest potential, our most loving self.
Finding yourself in a reflection of pain may have a purpose, but it is not a place to stay. It is an inevitable stop along the path, but it is not our destination. The place where we must always be headed is one and one only: truth.
Time to move forward with truth. Namaste.

Warrior of the Light Goddess



~ A Warrior of the Light knows that certain moments repeat themselves.

She often finds herself faced by the same problems and situations, and seeing these difficult situations return, she grows depressed, thinking that she is incapable ofmaking any progress in life.

“I’ve been through all this before,” she says to her heart.

“Yes, you have been through all this before,” replies her heart. “But you have never been beyond it.”

Then the Warrior realizes that these repeated experiences have but one aim: to teach her what she does not want to learn. ~ Paulo Coelho (edited)

Yes, if God brings you to it, he will get you through it. But if God brings you to it, will you learn? Will you grow? Will you evolve?

A Letter to Myself

This letter was inspired by this morning’s meditation, Conscious Me, in the Desire & Destiny meditation from the Chopra Center. The meditation’s centering thought was: Abundance surrounds me. In recognizing the infinite abundance around us, we must acknowledge first the abundance that lies within us. Then we realize that everything in this universe, all the seen and unseen, all the physical and the mental, belong to us and is ours to enjoy in this lifetime.

The meditation asked us to write a letter to ourselves to affirm all that we have to share with the world. Here is my letter:


You are a wonderful creation of God. There is so much you have inside you to share with the world.

Your mind is strong and you produce meaningful thoughts of positivity, peace and exploration. Your spirit is lovely and you give off a warm energy to those who surround you. Your body is an art form and its movements are free to express your inner feelings. Your heart is good and you give it fully to those you love, always growing to a greater capacity.

You are a woman, a mother, a teacher, a healer, a writer, a creator.

You are a beautiful inspiration of life. Thank God for your existence.


Color Your Life ~ Uranus Pluto Square ~ November 1st, 2013


You can choose to color your life the shade of your heart or have your heart shaded by the color of life.

While the colors we see on the outside on not always the most pretty, there exist beautiful shades within our hearts. Can we see them through our soul? Can we paint them in our lives?

There are days and seasons and years when change is more urgent and we are living in those times right now. Uranus and Pluto reach another exact square this morning at 7:13 EST at 9 degrees. We are at a point in this ongoing square where we have experienced change externally and had the opportunity to process the change internally with the retrogrades of these planets. This leaves us in a more proactive place where we may create the change in our lives instead of letting it just happen to us.

But how deep have we gone? Mercury is currently retrograde in Scorpio, the sign which is ruled by Pluto. Mercury in Scorpio takes our thoughts to thoughts to deeper places and asks us for transformation of mind. We must let old thoughts die and new thoughts be born in order to achieve true transformation. It is the circle of life, but a cycle which most of us resist for the greater part of our lives.

So while we may be sitting with a strong feeling of urgency to act…we are asked to look within even further…to seek the true direction of our soul.

We may color outside the lines to break free, but we will always feel a prisoner to those lines. If we embrace the many different colors of who we have been…dark ones, light ones…pale ones, bright ones…we can expand those lines and grow. Open that box of colors and look for the shade of your heart.

The World Grows When We Grow


When I reflect on all the incredible things that I’ve learned recently about myself and my world, I realize that it can leave you in a place where you feel much more connection to the true source of life, but much more separation from the popular direction of society. That’s when perspective comes in. This disconnect on a day-to-day level can be discouraging…or it can be inspiring.

The purpose of learning is to evolve ourselves forward, yes. But it is also to evolve others by teaching what we have learned.

Just like loving and breathing, we must share our knowledge because the world is better when we do. The world grows when we grow.

Refuge Inside ~ Moon in Cancer


The moon is in Cancer, the sun will rise in Libra…

There is a feeling of peace when you have arrived at home. It’s that feeling when all the tension in your body and your mind releases and you simply give in to the relaxation that comes with being in your home. This is a form of acceptance.

We must accept when it is time to let go and move our energies to matters closer to home, closer to heart. The Libra sun energy helps us to find balance between our earthly desires and our divine purposes.

With the moon in Cancer, our focus is not only on the physical home, but on the home inside of us. This is a connection to our soul and to our higher alignment. Do we feel comfort in the person we are inside and outside? Do we feel at peace with our intentions? Do we feel secure in our feelings?

Can we seek refuge in our soul? Can we call it home?